Dallas ScottPittock
I’m that friend!
We’ve all got one… the friend who’s always got a camera in their hand… that’s me!
Always with the camera, the photos and the memories.
The friend who always gives photos for gifts!
I’m also the friend who nags about keeping photos safe, and most importantly sharing and using those beautiful treasures.
Now I get to be that person for my clients.
The person with the information, the camera scanner and the help to keep their treasures safe and share with their families.
My Story
Moving from photography to photo organising wasn’t really in the plan… then again neither was 2020!
It did, however, give me the time and opportunity to get deeply lost in the world of photo organising, write a class for my clients and friends, and think deeply about the future of my business.
They say a change is as good as a holiday… and given we weren’t going anywhere and I couldn’t work in 2020… I changed my business from taking the photos to helping clients COLLECT, SORT, SAVE & USE (shameless plug for the class!!) their own photos.
So, Dallas ScottPittock, photo organiser and owner of Treasured Collections Photo Organising it is! And I’m loving every minute, challenge, client and project!
Change is often challenging, but out of challenge often comes the best parts of life.
My passion has forever been photos! I used to create them, but now I get to help save, use and share them!