Treasured Collections Photo Organising offers classes for clients to gain up to date knowledge to find, save and share their collection.

Breaks down the big picture of organising your collection into bite sized and manageable pieces. Full of hot tips and strategies… this class covers physical, digital, important memorabilia. Each student leaves with a plan, bespoke to their collection and goals.
COLLECT – finding your treasures from all their hiding spots!
SORT – simple and effective method for organising our photos, ending with a curated collection.
SAVE – the nitty-gritty of preserving your collection… physical and digital … from boxes to clouds!
USE – the fun bit! With an organised and safe collection, you get to use those beautiful treasures!

Do you live the idea of looking through your beautiful photos… in a photobook… sharing with your loved ones?
Are you overwhelmed by the ideas of making that photobook?
This class takes you through several of the different informative and practical ways to make the perfect photobook for your project. By the end of the class, you will have created your own photobook… just have to wait for it to arrive from the printer!